We’re not talking about SBC Global, or Yahoomail, no way. All AOL users do these things! And you won’t believe what these crazy AOL’ers are up to all the time!
All AOL users do these things!
Hahah! Where all our AOL users at? This one’s for you!
1. Your favorite Meg Ryan / Tom Hanks vehicle is You’ve Got Mail.
2. The best way to get to know someone is by asking a/s/l?
3. You have a giant collection of AOL cds that your wife crafts into a now defunct towel charm business.
4. You call said wife Mother.
5. You only took your current job position because you think you’re going to quickly get a big promotion.
6. Your first draft of the Religious Freedom Act allowed businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers.
7. You may have tried to allocate taxpayer dollars to conversion therapy.
8. Your state has the strictest abortion access in the nation…thanks to bills you’ve signed.
9. You created an HIV outbreak in Indiana by defunding Planned Parenthood.
10.Your AIM away message is “BRB my boss is goin’ off again”